Private seminar
Dental technology production
Exclusive Private Seminar
Committed to eliminating anxiety and overcoming challenges
We have renewed our website.
Private seminar
[Before taking a private seminar]
This is the only completely private seminar in Japan where the content, date and time, number of sessions, level of difficulty, and price are all different for each student.
After asking about your concerns, challenges, goals, desired timing, and intentions, we will work out the details as needed.
It is a content that will make you feel certain growth and positive results and commit to clinical work, rather than just being done with it. We especially recommend this course for those who want to learn how to match the color of monolithic front teeth, how to see colors, and how to communicate with dentists. While most seminars only have 1 to 3 practical sessions. 7 to 10 per person, more depending on the person.
I believe that simply going through common teaching materials or imitating cases prepared by the instructor will not be able to translate into clinical practice in each student's own field. Students are asked to bring in photos of their own past cases and cases that are currently in progress, and the instructor discusses them with them, selects a zirconia disk, cuts it on the spot, and works with the instructor to complete the process. There is a curriculum to follow. We will use real clinical cases to provide practical training on how to improve photos, select discs, apply penetrating liquid, and staining methods. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate right in front of your eyes using the instructor's actual clinical practice that day, so this is a seminar where you can see the instructor's way of thinking and techniques that can only be seen at that time.
申し込みから受講までの流れ/ FLOW
STEP 1. お問い合わせ
お問い合わせフォームより、「お名前」「お勤め先」「現在 のお仕事内容」「現在の課題や受講理由」等をご記載の上お送りください。
Please use the inquiry form to send us your name, place of employment, current job content, current assignments and reason for attending the course, etc.
STEP 2. ヒアリング
I will get back to you with a reply, but I would like to ask you again how much. I will ask you some questions and confirmations.
ZOOM explanation
We will use zoom to speak directly to you, and we will also provide detailed information from here. We will discuss the schedule, amount, etc.
STEP 4. お支払い
詳細など最終確認のやり取りの後にお支払いをお願いしまし て受講日までお待ちいただきます。
After final confirmation of details, we will ask you to make payment and wait until the day of the course.
各セミナーコース紹介/ COURSE
Monolithic zirconia Main Course
This course focuses on the production of full zirconia (monolithic). We handle everything from basics to color matching for molars and front teeth, from material selection to penetrating solution and staining work. You will learn step by step. The content will make you commit to clinical work that you can begin immediately after returning to the lab. For those who have not yet touched zirconia but are planning to do so, It has been well-received that there is no other seminar where you can have so much exposure to semi-sintered bodies and finished products. I learned new perspectives and ways of thinking from people who have graduated from various training centers and cram schools who want to further improve the accuracy of full zirconia. We have heard that the results were immediate. This is a main course that is especially recommended for those who are just starting out with digital.
Attend a lecture
実習前に基本的なジルコニアの知識や製作工程 の説明、色合わせの説明などを行います。
Before the practicum, we will provide explanations on the basic knowledge of zirconia, the production process, as well as color matching.
Semi-shimmering coloring liquid.
半焼結体での色入れの練習を行います。 基本→応用→臨床写真→色合わせといった 毎回レベルを上げながら繰り返し行います。
講師のその日にある実際の臨床ケースを生で 見ることもできます。 次回来る度にどのように焼き上がるか皆さん楽しみにされています。
We will practice coloring on partially sintered restorations. Each session will progress from basic to advanced techniques,
incorporating clinical images and color matching.
The level of difficulty will increase with each repetition. Participants will also have the opportunity to observe a real clinical case presented by the instructor on that day. Everyone looks forward to seeing how their work will turn out with each subsequent visit.
Shade taking
実際のチェアーと患者役を用意して、 リアルな歯科医院でのシェードテイクを 体験しながら練習することができます。 カメラは持参してもらい、前歯も臼歯も練習を行います。 グレーカードやシェードガイドや鏡も使用します。
You can practice shade taking in a real dental office by providing an actual chair and patient role. Participants can bring their own camera and practice
taking shades on incisors and molars.
Gray cards, shade guides, and mirrors will also be used.
Staining and color matching
This is a practical training from sintering to finalizing.
Using a Mac, we will perform color matching for anterior teeth
and finishing for the molar section with minimal firing cycles. We will share the unique approach of monolithic restorations
Demonstration's progress.
This is a unique practice with an unprecedented number and range of content.
The pace and level will be adjusted flexibly
as the content evolves.
About half of the participants have no prior experience with zirconia.
For those who wish to grasp the basics thoroughly
before diving in and want to have extensive exposure, detailed explanations will be provided.
Case discussion
教材をするだけではなく、より個々の現場での 悩みや課題を克服するために相談を受けます。 色の見方や歯科医師とのコミュニケーション方法 含めて内容は多岐に渡ります。 臨床にコミットさせるための重要なプロセスです。
Not only do we provide teaching materials,
but we also offer consultations to help individuals
overcome their specific challenges in the field. The content covers a wide range,
including how to perceive colors and communication methods with dentists.
This is a crucial process to engage in clinical practice.
Implant beginner course
仕事の取り方が分からないという方、ラボで 先輩上司が教えてくれないという方、
2席のみですが、事前面談より受講希望者の現在レベルの確認 (レベルが高い方や経験値が十分な方は受けられません)をします。
For those with no experience or those who want to start implant surgery in the future but are looking for a place to learn, If you don't know how to do your job, or if your senior boss at the lab won't teach you, This is an annual seminar for those who have only had their fingers crossed about implant technology and want to learn from the beginning. Screw retainers, cement retainers, custom trays, custom abutments, implant provisionals, Surgical guides, index frames and models, Other basic implant techniques are basically manufactured using analog techniques. Although there are only 2 seats available, we will confirm the current level of the applicant through a preliminary interview (those with a high level or sufficient experience will not be accepted). We will also ensure that there is no difference in level between the two. This is a seminar that will make you commit to clinical work where you will actually do the work, rather than just taking the course.
Teaching materials
We use over 130 pages of slides, various models including gum models, and implant parts ranging from temporary to final.
Training scene
0→1から臨床までの幅広い知識と経験談をお話しいたします。スクリュータイプとは?インターナルコネクションとは?ユニアバットメントとは?技工物の製作方法は?ドクターとのやり とりの方法は?材料の適切な選び方やオーダーの仕方は?定期的にミニテストを設け知識の確認と再度説明をいたします。
I will share my wide range of knowledge and experiences from 0→1 to clinical practice. What is the screw type? What is internal connection? What is a Uni Abutment? How is the technical product made? How do I communicate with the doctor? How to choose and order materials appropriately? We will hold periodic mini-tests to check your knowledge and provide explanations again.
Student work scene
There will be two students, so the training will be conducted in a friendly and fun manner while allowing students to concentrate. The two students will compare their work and help each other as they progress, so one person will not be late.
Demo scenery 1
It's basically all hands-on training. I will actually make the product from scratch right in front of your eyes, so it is not just something you see on the screen, but it is a hands-on training format that allows even first-timers to reach their goal by checking each step of the process.
Demo scenery 2
The screen allows you to see the instructor's hands, making it easier to understand the work. This is a space where we will discuss important points that were not covered in the lecture, and where questions and answers will be held from time to time.
ランチもディナーも場合によりモーニングも良い雰囲気の中楽しい会食の時間となります。 地方の方は東京観光も出来るかもしれません。
Lunch, dinner, and sometimes morning meals are all fun times to enjoy together in a pleasant atmosphere. If you live in a rural area, you may be able to go sightseeing in Tokyo.
Zirconia advanced course
1 day seminar course
受講生の声/ VOICE
Dentist from Fukuoka Prefecture
兎にも角にも奥が深かったです(汗 深すぎです(汗
Mr. Kitazono, a special technician, taught me about the processes and techniques that I had vague knowledge about and questions about. Even my thoughts on the digital field were taken seriously... There was a lot of depth to both the rabbit and the corner (sweat) it was too deep (sweat) Mr. Hokuzono's knowledge and techniques, as well as his personality and attitude toward work, are all special. It was a lot of fun. Thank you very much for all your concern.
Dental technician from Toyama Prefecture
Anyway, it was an overwhelming experience of self-growth! I have attended a number of hands-on seminars given by famous technicians, but it was unclear why I was making the choices I did when I simply followed instructions. To be honest, I was not able to make the most of it in clinical practice, but in Mr. Kitazono's seminar, I was able to make my own choices and receive advice on them, so I could clearly see how the behavioral choices of professionals and amateurs differ. Ta! Overwhelming thanks! It was a lesson that made me want to repeat it.
Dental technician from Kanagawa Prefecture
技術面以外の仕事に対する考え方や食の話なども色々話せてとて も刺激を受けたセミナーでした。
The best thing about this seminar is that you can receive one-on-one instruction. It's also great that you can customize the seminar content here. I wasn't alone in a crowd like in other seminars, so it was great that they were always paying attention to me and I was able to feel free to ask them if I needed anything.
Dental technician from Okayama Prefecture
When I attended the seminar, I was shocked to find out that it was actually a private seminar. The seminar content, time allocation, and schedule all felt unique. In any case, I had a meaningful two days, talking not only about the technicians, but also about myself as a person and as a guide for young people like myself.
Dental technician from Yamagata Prefecture
まず、自分がジルコニア をやるきっかけになった北薗さんに直節お会い出来たことに感謝します。
First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Hokuzono, who inspired me to start working with zirconia, for having the opportunity to meet him. I was continuously amazed by the overwhelming amount of knowledge and techniques from beginning to end. I was able to hear the points I wanted to hear that I couldn't get from the seminar alone, and I thought I could share this with Dr. and get a consensus. My motivation has increased, and I'm excited to put what I've learned into clinical practice right away. We also had a meal together, which was a very precious time and a memory that will last a lifetime. Thank you very much.
Dental technician from Hyogo Prefecture
What I felt after attending the seminar was that I learned a lot of information and technology about zirconia that was unclear.
In particular, I was worried about the penetrating liquid process because I only had a little knowledge that I had never touched before, but unlike the seminars held by manufacturers, they held a large number of seminars, and I was able to easily answer any questions I had. Even if you have never touched it before, I think it will give you a lot of confidence because you can do it while doing it. I learned a lot more about communication with doctors and how to think about marketing, so I felt that this was the best part, different from other seminars.
By meeting Mr. Kitabagi, I was able to make new discoveries, such as a new way of thinking about work, so I can only be grateful.
There are still many things I would like to discuss, but it was a truly fulfilling and enjoyable four days.
thank you very much!
Gold/Silver/Bronze varies depending on the number of days attended.
【受講生 都道府県】
[Students Prefecture]
福岡県 広島県 兵庫県 奈良県 富山県 愛知県 静岡県 茨城県 栃木県 千葉県 神奈川県 東京都 岡山県 山形県 埼玉県 宮崎県
Fukuoka prefecture Hiroshima prefecture Hyogo prefecture Nara prefecture Toyama prefecture Aichi prefecture Shizuoka prefecture Ibaraki prefecture Tochigi prefecture Chiba prefecture Kanagawa prefecture Tokyo Okayama prefecture Yamagata prefecture Saitama prefecture
Dental technology production request
Zirconia products
・We offer a wide range of services including inlays, crowns, bridges, full
mouths, and front tooth color matching.
・We use highly reliable 100% Tosoh powder Geomedi zirconia.
・I am a manufacturer's instructor for zirconia production, so I think you can feel more at ease.
e.max products